16 Dezember 2014

Keywest Weekend 1/2 ♥


When you are counting the days since it were 192 and the day you were looking for finally arrives it's really hard to believe. At least that's how it went for me. 192 days of counting to my first of two trips to Ireland to see Keywest.

I arrived to Dublin on thursday, December 5, checked into my hostel and (after some trouble in the room because of a misunderstanding) directly went to bed as I had big plans for the upcoming day. I really hoped to see Keywest busking on Grafton Street just like they did all the days and weeks before and luckily wasn't disappointed as I walked straight into Harry who was holding the spot for later. I was so excited to see him that I wasn't able to bring out a clear sentence and had to start over again. My face probably matched my hair quite well in this moment. We had a nice chat until Sam joined us (who was making fun of "Super Mario" in front of us for ages!) and it just felt so good being around them again after such a long time!

At 11.30am I had to leave because I was going to get my new tattoo (as I already told you about) and so I missed some time of Keywest busking, but it was defenitely worth it! 

As I came back they had a short break and I was so happy to see Glover, Kav and Jimi again. Actually, they also seemed quite happy to see me. For the rest of the day (until about 5.30pm) I was on Grafton Street watching them busk and talking to them. I probably had a smile on my face all the time. One of my favourite moments was when Glover brought me a coffee from Burger King as he went there to get some food for himself and the other guys. What band would do that to their fans?
After that a lot of pictures were taken and Jimi seemed to have a lot of fun with my camera and I got some really great shots!

Glover ♥
Glover & Jimi (love Glover in the back!) ♥
Sam ♥
Thanks to Jimi a smiling Kav ♥
Harry ♥ (love the perspective!)
After a great day of busking I was really looking forward for the next day to see them in Cork. I left Dublin really early to have a stroll around Cork and fell in love with the city a little more. Guess what? I've been the first in front of the venue and waited in the cold for Jess and Ciara to arrive. While I waited I was joined by Glover for a while and he asked me to take a picture of the two of us which turned out so nice it directly became one of my fave pictures ever!

The concert itself was amazing! They played 18 songs and I especially loved "All of Me", "Better man" and "All I want for Christmas". I also had so much fun with Sam who was always making funny faces when he looked at me. The concert was over far to fast, but at least there were loads of chances to talk to the guys. My priority was - of course - in talking to Glover as much as possible and I had a really nice chat with him about him visiting me in an Irish prison when I kill the annoying French girl (honestly, she behaved like the worst kind of Groupie you can possibly imagine!) and as I asked him to bring a cake with a saw inside with him he said he would write me a song and put it in there. You just have to love this guy! 

A little while before we all left he came over to all of us again and took a Selfie of him and our group ♥ 

Early next morning I had to drive back to Dublin - after two hours of sleep! You really can't imagine how tired I have been. The evening before I had promised Sam to bring him a hot chocolate to Grafton Street when I arrive and he was really happy as I did because he already hold the spot for the day since 9 o'clock (I arrived at about 10am) I actually didn't do quite much that day. Mostly stood on Grafton Street and waited for Keywest to start busking. As they finally did I was joined by Ciara and Jess and I was able to watch them for about 1 1/2 hours until I had to leave for the airport.

I really love this Selfie ♥
Just before I finally left for the airport I got hugs from everyone and was wished a safe flight. I also took one last Selfie with Jimi and Sam who were there at this moment.

You can't imagine how happy this three days had made me and how much I was looking forward to two more concerts the upcoming weekend. It is always so much fun hanging around with these lovely guys and I could watch them for hours without getting bored. Never thought I would love a band that much again, but I do and every single thought on them makes me smile like an idiot ♥

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